Victoria’s Most Recent Relaxing Of Restrictions – What Does This Mean For Active Group Activities?

Victoria’s Most Recent Relaxing Of Restrictions – What Does This Mean For Active Group Activities?

It’s great news for Victorians that the “stay home” recommendation will shift to a “stay safe” recommendation, as the easing of coronavirus restrictions has been announced. On Sunday 24th of May, The Victorian Government has announced that there will be a gradual easing of restrictions from June 2020.

While many venues have reopened, there are still some restrictions around where and how many people can gather in a single place. The upcoming weekends might not be the same as past years, but it will definitely be better compared to the past few months. Besides, there are still plenty of ways people can enjoy outdoor sports, food and drink under the set restrictions.

Note: The easing of restrictions doesn’t mean you can completely ignore, previous important advice like – you need to maintain at least 1.5-meter distance from others giving space to those around you.

So, what does this mean for active group activities?

People are bored from staying at home for months, we all want to go outside, have fun with our friends and live a normal life. In June, various sports centers will reopen, according to the government restrictions in Victoria for non-contact outdoor sports 10 people can gather for non-contact sport at one place, at one time.

It is a great relief for all; we can start to have fun outside of our homes. With a group of 10 there are various sports that we can play with our friends. However, even with the ease of restricting, people might still fear being infected while engaging in group or team activity.

So, considering the size of the groups and needing to maintain social distance, one of the best group activities that I can think of is Bubble Soccer. We all know COVID-19 can transfer from one person to another if we come in contact with an infected person, touch an infected surface or touch our faces without cleaning our hands.

When playing Bubble Soccer, you don’t have to worry about this. Unlike other sports, you don’t come in contact with other people. Just like soccer, in Bubble Soccer you need to score goals to win, but in a more exciting and fun way. You need to wear a bubble suit which covers your entire upper body. The bubble is made of sturdy PVC material and is thoroughly sanitized for better prevention. You don’t have to worry about the bubble being worn by others; the bubbles are sanitized after each game.

As your entire upper body will be covered, none of the players can touch each other with their hands and even if someone sneezes during the game, the droplets will not be released in the open air. You will always be safe inside the bubble.

The most important part, that makes Bubble Soccer a safe game is the diameter of the bubble. While all the players are inside a bubble suit, they will always be maintaining a safe social distance of at least one meter from each other.

To be frank, you can’t ask for a more safe and fun sport than Bubble Soccer. No matter If it’s for kids, teens or adults, it’s a perfect sport for people of all ages.

If you want to organize a Bubble Soccer match in Melbourne, you can visit Ultimate Bubble Soccer’s website – one of the best bubble soccer organizers in Melbourne.


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